Lets bounce

So last night me and a few friends went to a place called air space and it is just a indoor trapoline place and it was epic. I have been in a bit of a low point the last week and this was the pick me up I needed.

Now on to air space, this place was amazing , yes at first I was being my grumpy self but after a few bounces I felt like a kid again, it was so much fun just to be silly and trying to do flips which I failed at misserably but that wasn’t the point it was just enjoyable to play.

One of the first things we had a shot of was the backet ball hoops which was just a hoop with a long trampoline, This became my mission to slam dunk. On these attempts I failed and we moved onto the football part ( well soccer for anyone who gets this mixed up). This was a goal with a trampoline so you could dive about to save it. This was so much fun I loved being in goals and going for redicules dives knowing I wouldn’t get hurt, I was everywhere, I admit I took this a bit serious I wanted to save everything.

I watched my friends do flips and I was jelous I couldn’t so I went back to basketball. After a few attepmts I dunked, I actually did it. I was so happy and as it always happens no one was there to see it. I was enjoying just messing around here, dunked a few times and learned why I couldn’t do it at first. I will get back to this later.

Finally we went to dodge ball, which is so much more fun on trampolines, it was me and kyle vs steven and dawn, we lost out of me blocking the ball with my hand , duhhh moment on my part. We switched the teams up a few times, then came an epic battle to ten points instead of putting people out. It was me a dawn vs kyle and steven. This would go down in history as the two unfit people taking down the gilliuths of the fitness guys. It came down to me and dawns pretty high catching percentage and we won. Before we left a few more people came in and it was all of my friends verses them. This was a fun way to end the night and I had my good deed in this game. The format is you run to the middle grab the balls and run back to touch the wall, but the girl didn’t know and hit me straight away , I told her and the gave her the ball back. Thought it was the nice thing to do.

All in all a fun night that gave me a boost that I needed.

Oh before I forget the reason I couldn’t dunk was I was tense. When I began to relax and just flow and take it easy it became easy, this is problably the reason I am finding it difficult with lots of other aspects of my life, I am too high strung and need to just relax and move with the flow.

Namaste 🙂