I am pretty new to chakras and have been reading up on them a bit lately. To have a balanced life you must have a your chakras balanced also, From what I have read it all makes sense, if one chakra is closed and your no using it or one chakra is open too far and it is taking all of your energy it creates an imbalance in you.

Now what are chakras you may be asking, well chakras are energy points with in your body that draw energy. I will go into this in more depth another time, when I am more knowledgeable on them.

Lets talk through the 7 main chakras of the body.

Root Chakra


Located at the bottom of your spine. It is the root of your being and is the strongest connection to your physical body and environment. This also is your survival centre and connected to your primal and animal nature. It really helps to give us courage to get through trying times.

Sacral Chakra


Located in your lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in. This is connected to sex and pleasure. This chakra helps us to embrace new experiences and connect with others.

Solar Plexus Chakra


Located in your upper abdomen in the stomach area. This chakra is your core self and it deals with your self confidence, will power , self esteem and everything to do with you. This chakra helps you take control of your life.

Heart Chakra


Located just above your heart. This is chakra is love and our ability to love. There is really not much else to say with regards to the heart chakra right now. It is love and that’s good enough for me.

Throat Chakra


Located in your throat. It your ability to communicate with with other. It helps with expressing yourself and can help with your creativity as that is the best form of expression in my eyes at least.

Third Eye Chakra


Located in your forehead between your eyes. This is your physic connection to the world. It helps alot with intuttion and seeing the bigger picture. This is where we can find our wisdom. There is alot physic aspect of this chakra which I will get into at another time.

Crown Chakra


Located at the top of your head. It is your connection to your spiritual aspect and higher self. This is where we see beauty and find our inner peace.

This is the main chakras and through opening and healing each of them will give you a boost in your life.

A couple simple tips on opening the chakras to get you started. The colour of each chakra can help boost that chakra , such the throat chakra is blue so wearing blue and eating blue fruits will give a boost to that chakra. Another way to boost your chakra is to find crystals that can help open that chakra, such as an amethyst is great for the third eye.

These are but a small way to open your chakras, I am still learning but it is a fun and awesome thing to look into. Have fun working with chakras.

Namaste 🙂

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