Inspirational Posts

Since I do love all things that inspire people in general I want to start putting things that I find that inspire me to be all that I am and more. I hope you all enjoy this new section to my blog.

This is rockys speech to his son and I think it is a great message.

Keep moving forward.

to any video I put up from Youtube please go an like on their page, always nice to show the person who made it , that you enjoyed it 🙂


What a lazy couple of days


In the past few days I have returned to old habits , unhealthy foods, lack of exercise and general laziness, but is only part of the steps backward. I found myself getting lazy in the mind again, opting for mind numbing T.V instead of things that full my mind and curiosity. I have also stopped meditating and that says alot considering I am too lazy to sit and truly be calm.

This is not a bad thing in my eyes it was a choice to do this to take these steps in the wrong direction, I have done it realise what I have done, as it is the past is just previous lessons its up to me to choose to learn from them.